刘新梅.建设诚信政府 提高政府公信力[J].,2008,9(4):43-45
建设诚信政府 提高政府公信力
Build the honesty government and Enhance government’s credibility
中文关键词:  诚信政府  公信力  对策
English Keywords:the Honesty government  Credibility  countermeasures
Fund Project:
刘新梅 华东师范大学 公共管理学院上海 200062 
摘要点击次数: 752
全文下载次数: 647
English Summary:
      Honesty is a necessary condition to the society’s benign operation and healthy development. It is also an important measurement to the development of social culture.The honesty of government is the core of social integrity, and the guide and model in every aspect in the society. Credibility is the abilities of influence and appeal of government, which reflects the people’s satisfaction and trust to the government. Government’s credibility without honesty will be inevitably influenced. This article explores the content of credibility, analyses why government’s credibility decreased, and finally proposes some measurements to enhance the government’s credibility from an angle of building an honesty government.
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