On the Key Position of Human-orientedness in the Scientific Outlook on Development
中文关键词:  以人为本  现实的个人  科学发展观  核心
English Keywords:Human-orientedness  personal of reality  the Scientific Outlook on Development  the core
Fund Project:
陈宇宙,胡帆① 湖南文理学院 法学院 湖南 常德 415000 
摘要点击次数: 875
全文下载次数: 822
English Summary:
      The Scientific Outlook on Development originates from the historic link between grave problems of China nowadays and Chinese Marxisism.Marxist philosophy,as the essence of age spirit, which contemporary value will highlight inevitably.Human-orientedness is the best response.It is the real discovery to the riddle of the mankind's history,which once distressed Marx and perplexed people for a long time.The person must be real, not abstract person,not abstract reasonableness without body.Human-orientedness is to take real person as origin, which is placed in a key position in the Scientific Outlook on Development.Deep comprehension and confidence to the key position of Human-orientedness in the Scientific Outlook on Development has very important meaning for the founding of the harmonious socialism with Chinese features.
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