刘邦奎.赵树理小说通俗化中的高雅[J].,2008,9(3):93-96 |
赵树理小说通俗化中的高雅 |
The Elegance of Zhao Shuli's Novels’ Popularization |
投稿时间:2008-01-23 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 赵树理 小说 通俗化 高雅 |
English Keywords:zhao shuli novels popularization elegance |
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摘要点击次数: 995 |
全文下载次数: 776 |
中文摘要: |
赵树理小说在通俗化中呈现出了高雅的氛围。在其塑造的形象系列上表现为:写出了农民在现实生活中作为主人公的行为、心态、命运以及光明前景和成长的必然趋势,有着崇高的执著的使命感。在艺术上表现为:对文学功用有着独特的思考,对农民群众生活发展趋势有着总体把握;在日常具体事件的描述中,表现了对农民命运的严肃关注和对农村新生活本质的深刻认识;融鲜明的爱憎感情于平直的叙述之中,充分传达出作品的意旨;在口语化中,既注重了具体语言的艺术风韵,又照顾到了整个语境的融洽和谐。 |
English Summary: |
Zhao Shuli's novels embodies elegance from its popularization. In shaping the image of its performance for the series:it writes the peasants' attitude, fate, the bright prospects for growth and an inevitable trend, with a lofty sense of perseverance. In performance art: the function of the novel has a unique thinking, and has generally grasped the development trend, showing the fate of the farmers in the rural areas with serious concern and new understanding of the profound nature of life and fully conveying the intention of the works. It not only focuses on the specific language of art charm, but also takes the whole context of harmonious into account. |
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