On the Depth of In-depth Reports: the Choices of Cultural Perspectives——Taking Gan Jianhua's The Iron-willed Sword and Good-Person Under Heaven for Examples
中文关键词:  深度报道  文化视角  悲悯情怀  启示意义
English Keywords:in-depth reports  cultural perspectives  compassionate and merciful feelings  enlightening significance
Fund Project:
罗玉成 南华大学 文法学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 881
全文下载次数: 731
English Summary:
      The article, taking Gan Jianhua′s The Iron-willed Sword and Good-Person Under Heaven for examples, inquires into the depth of in-depth reports which rests with the choice of the cultural perspectives of the reporter. In other words, the reporter can write out in-depth reports if he chooses a well coordinated cultural perspective of the interests of one′s own department and social interests. The depth of Gan Jianhua′s report news is manifested in the compassionate and merciful feelings from his cultural perspectives and in his distinctive style of writing and the great enlightening significance of his reportings.
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