On Humanities Value of the Ideological and Political Education in Sichuan Earthquake Relief Works
中文关键词:  中国共产党  执政能力  抗震救灾  思想政治教育  人文价值
English Keywords:Communist Party of China  Ruling ability  Earthquake relief works  Ideological and political education  Humanities value
Fund Project:
张多来,肖立建①,阳晶① 南华大学 人文社会科学学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 824
全文下载次数: 593
English Summary:
      The earthquake relief works of the major earthquake measuring 8.0 Richter scale,which jolted Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province had fully reflected the powerful ruling ability and macro-scientific policy-making level of Communist Party of China, and also displayed the humanities value of ideological and political education in the earthquake relief works. This article carried on an analysis of the humanities value of ideological and political education in the earthquake relief works: Firstly, it has displayed the guidance value of ideological and political education, which has determined the value orientation for the earthquake relief works; Secondly, it has displayed the condensation value of ideological and political education, which has gathered all quarters strength for the earthquake relief works; Thirdly, it has displayed the drive value of ideological and political education, which has provided the spiritual support for the earthquake relief works; Last, it has displayed the public opinion value of ideological and political education, which has built the formidable momentum for the earthquake relief work.
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