Guo Mo-ruo’s Ideas about Historical Drama and its Aesthetic Charms
中文关键词:  郭沫若  史剧观  历史剧  审美特征
English Keywords:Guo Mo-ruo  ideas about historical drama  historical dramas  aesthetic charms
Fund Project:
杨菲 福建师范大学 文学院福建 福州 350007 
摘要点击次数: 829
全文下载次数: 1293
      郭沫若的历史剧是我国现当代戏剧创作领域中极其重要的组成部分。郭沫若的史剧观可从其有关论述和史剧创作中去探寻。它大致包含三个紧密结合的要点:浪漫主义的表现;   现实主义的本质;战斗意志的张扬。郭沫若史剧观的形成有时代和个人的因素。郭沫若的史剧观在很大程度上决定了他的史剧创作的独特手法,并进而形成其史剧作品鲜明的美学风貌:激情澎湃,诗意浓郁;崇高悲壮,韵味纯厚;政治性强,古为今用。
English Summary:
      Guo Mo-ruo’s historical dramas are an important part of modern and contemporary dramas in our country. Guo’s ideas about historical drama can be studied from his opinions about dramas and his own historical dramas. It mainly contains three inseparable points: techniques of expression in romanticism; realism in nature; eruption of fighting will.His outlooks resulted from factors of times and human nature. In a large degree, Guo’s ideas about historical drama decided the techniques of his writing and formed a distinct aesthetic charm of his historical dramas as a whole: surge of intense emotion, rich in poetic flavour; lofty but solemn and stirring, charged with meaning and feeling; strong political nature, making the past serve the present.
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