On the Harmonious Essence of the Sustainable Development View
中文关键词:  可持续发展观  和谐  发展
English Keywords:the sustainable development view  harmony  development
Fund Project:
邓辉,廖志鹏① 湖南科技大学 湖南 湘潭 411201 
摘要点击次数: 1000
全文下载次数: 605
English Summary:
      The sustainable development is a harmonious development idea. It has intrinsical “harmonious" essence and completely-new theoretical horizon, which embodies in the following aspects: it proposes some rational thoughts on the nature's harmonious development; it sets the human's harmonious development as its prerequisite; it uses the society's harmonious development as its cornerstone; it reflects the inevitable requirement to construct the harmonious society. So, if we want to keep the sustainable development view, we should set up the value's view on the harmonious development, establish the sense of the ecological compensation and the ecology producing values, strengthen the eco-value belief in the co-evolution of the human and the nature and realize the popularization of the eco-ethics' value views.
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