王叶菲.浅议我国社会福利体系的构成 ——以我国2008年春季雪灾为例[J].,2008,9(2):16-18
浅议我国社会福利体系的构成 ——以我国2008年春季雪灾为例
The Sections of Social Welfare System——on the case of the spring snow disaster of 2008
中文关键词:  社会福利体系  雪灾  政府行为
English Keywords:social welfare system  the Snow Disaster  government behavior
Fund Project:
王叶菲 南京大学 公共管理学院江苏 南京 210093 
摘要点击次数: 788
全文下载次数: 593
English Summary:
      The social welfare system is closely related to people’s safe, satisfied and happy life. There was a big snow disaster in the south area of China. There are five sections of social welfare system, which are social security system, professional social work, social service network, public welfare supplied by the government and social supporting network. The social welfare system plays an important role in the succoring actions.
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