Discussion on the Socialist Outlook on Honour and Disgrace for the Construction of Harmonious Campus Culture
中文关键词:  社会主义荣辱观  和谐  校园文化
English Keywords:the socialist outlook on honor and disgrace  harmony  campus culture
Fund Project:
黄昕 南华大学 马克思主义教学研究部湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 860
全文下载次数: 704
English Summary:
      The socialist outlook on honor and disgrace is the foundation of the ideological and ethical, the social convention , the mass base and the traditional culture for the construction of harmonious campus culture. To construct the harmonious campus culture, insist on and carry forward the socialist outlook on honor and disgrace, we must run through the socialist outlook on honor and disgrace in the teaching course of the Philosophy and Social Science Curriculum, infiltrate the socialist outlook on honor and disgrace in the campus culture activities,and fulfill it in social practice. The university should perfect the mechanism of moral evaluation for the college students, construct the normal environment for public opinion. All teachers must abide by the socialist outlook on honor and disgrace firstly, to be the students' model.
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