Distressed when Looking Backward to the Native Country——The sense of concern in Qu Qiubai’s proses the way to the country of hungry
中文关键词:  忧患意识  俄罗斯文学  瞿秋白散文
English Keywords:the sense of concern  Russian literature  Qu Qiubai’s proses
Fund Project:
李丽 苏州大学 文学院 江苏 苏州 215123 
摘要点击次数: 661
全文下载次数: 688
English Summary:
      The sense of concern in literature is the writer’s profound reflection to the realistic life and the social present situation; it is enlightened writers’ artistic expression of their deep concern to the nation’s rise and fall and the people's misery of all previous dynasties. The Chinese writers have had intense sense of hardship since ancient times. Qu Qiubai's sense of hardship not only inherited from the Chinese literature tradition, but also influnced by the Russian literature, in which the big misery of the whole world often be reflected. Qu Qiubai’s proses indicate the transformation from the expression of minor individual misery to the deep consideration of the whole society.
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