Reflections on Low Efficiency of Morality Education in Higher Learning Institutions from the Psychological Perspective
中文关键词:  高校德育  心理学  反思
English Keywords:morality education in higher learning institutions  psychology  reflections
Fund Project:
刘志坚 湖南科技大学湖南 湘潭 411201 
摘要点击次数: 860
全文下载次数: 823
English Summary:
      From the psychological perspective, the low efficiency of morality education in higher learning institutions has much to do with the followings: the educateee’s psychological resistance and psychological barrier of accepting morality education, the educator’s inadequate understanding of the educateee’s psychological development and the educator’s insufficiently affective investments, the morality education’s separation from the students’ recent developmental zone, and the impact of the schools’ morality education psychological environment. Thus, it needs us to pay more attention to students’ psychological mechanism of morality learning and to the affective nature of morality, so as to find out the methods of integrating morality education with psychological health education and enhance the effectiveness of morality education in higher learning institutions.
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