The New Study of the Contributing Factor of the Dereliction of Duty—and the Absence of the Holy Sense and its rebuilding
中文关键词:  神圣感  渎职犯罪  特点  重建
English Keywords:the dereliction of duty  characteristic and contributing factors  holy sense  puzzle  tendency
Fund Project:
邹鲁军 南华大学 文法学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 703
全文下载次数: 695
English Summary:
      The dereliction of duty is a malignant tumor of harming our country and people. It's also the enemy of building harmonious society. The preconditions of getting rid of it are to study the malignant tumor itself and to study the problem of its punishment. The essay puts forward some new ideas about the characteristics,contributing factors and the puzzle and tendency of punishing the dereliction of duty. The most distinctive and important contributing factor is the absence of holy sense. At the same time, the paper studies the reasons why the holy sense is absent. It thinks the rebuilding of holy sense is significant for promoting our people’s quality and accomplishing long-term peace.
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