On the Theories about Right of Action
中文关键词:  诉权  诉权学说  诉讼要件  诉讼审理
English Keywords:action of right  theory about right of action  condition of proceeding  hearing of condition of proceeding
Fund Project:
戴锐 北京大学 法学院北京100871 
摘要点击次数: 1237
全文下载次数: 861
English Summary:
      Right of action is the right for a citizen to start the proceeding. Since the emergence of the theories about right of action, the dispute on them is very furious, especially on what is the property of the right.The theory about right of action has close relationship with the other doctrine in the civil proceeding, and the confusion in this area will definitely lead to the collapse of the whole doctrine system.The content of various theories about right of action and also the refution should be introduced,and through the analysis about the conditions of action of right, the reasonable answer of what the right of action is will be achieved.
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