Discussion on Features of Morality Practice of Outlook for Honors and Disgraces of Confucian in Pre-Qin Dynasty and Its Contemporary Value
中文关键词:  先秦儒家  荣辱观  道德实践  当代价值
English Keywords:Confucian in Pre-Qin Dynasty  outlook for honors and disgrace  morality practice  contemporary value
Fund Project:
朱锋华 湖南工学院湖南 衡阳 421002 
摘要点击次数: 1073
全文下载次数: 900
English Summary:
      The outlook for honors and disgraces of Confucian in Pre-Qin Dynasty is the essential contents of the thought system of Early Confucian,and the concentrated reflection of political ideals and moral requirements of that time. The features of morality practice show that it emphasizes on the initiatives of the practice object, the practice spirit on the basis of knowledge-practice unity, and the ethicization of combined political life and secular life, political ecology and ideology culture. In the new process of constructing core value system of socialism and leading social thoughts by socialist outlook for honors and disgrace, the outlook for honors and disgraces of Confucian in Pre-Qin Dynasty plays a great historical role in the realization of culture contents, historical missions and moral cultivation.
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