About the Pressure of Establishing the Social Security System for Lost-land Farmers—Based on social classification perspective
中文关键词:  社会分层  失地农民  社会保障
English Keywords:social classification  lost-land farmers  social security
Fund Project:
柯亮 西北大学 公共管理学院陕西 西安 710127 
摘要点击次数: 826
全文下载次数: 699
English Summary:
      The lost-land farmers, arising along with our state’s urbanization process, has become a difficult problem to be solved in the urbanization and industrialization process. The producing & living problem, and especially the social security problem, of the lost-land farmers, who are the casualty of the “Enclosure Movement”, has become more and more conspicuous, and has turned into one of the most important factors to impact social stabilization. This paper tried to discuss, from the social classification criterions, the need of establishing social security system for lost-land farmers, and the relationship between social classification and social security, and tried to appeal to pressing on with the establishment of the social security system for the lost-land farmers that accords with the situation of our state and the requirements of the harmonious society.
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