On Wang Fuzhi''''s Comments about Treatise of the Jingling School
中文关键词:  王夫之,竟陵派,批评,性灵,幽情单绪,亡国之音
English Keywords:Wang Fu-zhi,the Jingling school,criticize,inspiration exquisite feeling,the sign of nation's subversion
Fund Project:
HUANG Xi-mei
摘要点击次数: 812
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Wang Fu-zhi made sharp comments on the Jingling school and almost disagree with them.He criticized they inherited the Seven-scholar School but not the Gongan school.They asserted natural inspiration;while in fact,they were not natural inspiration at all.Their poetry opinions were "exquisite feeling" and they were the sign of nation's subversion.These remarks are related with Wang Fu-zhi's playing out shame of nation's subversion and saving his elegance poetry tradition.
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