The Comparison of Artistic Style between Degradation and Norwegian Wood
中文关键词:  《沉沦》,《挪威的森林》,私小说,世纪末情调,田园情结
English Keywords:Degradation,Norwegian Woods,private novels,the mood of the end of the century,complex of the countryside,
Fund Project:
XU Xiao-feng  TANG Xin-wei
摘要点击次数: 752
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Degradation is one of the great effective novels in contemporary literature history in China and Norwegian Wood in Japan respectively.They have some common features as follows:being private novels;being in a mood of dejectedness,loneliness,dispiritedness as well as sorrowness of the end of the century.Both the authors have a complex of the countryside and sense of aesthetics;However,the main difference lies in the themes of the novels,for the reason that the authors lived in different times,had different living experience and different education.Comparatively speaking,Degradation is of more immediate significance.
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