Inquiry into Henry James''''s Iiterature choices of the International Theme And Female Images As Souls
中文关键词:  亨利·詹姆斯,国际主题,女性人物,跨欧美文化,性倒错心理
English Keywords:Henry James,international theme,female images,trans-Euro-American literature,sexual perversion
Fund Project:
WANG Shu-lin
摘要点击次数: 966
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      International theme and female images are the two most important inseparable aspects in Henry James's literary works.As a writer,whose cultural indentity and sex mindset are so complicated,there is a dynamic interrelationship in Henry's individual experience and sociocultural context:American's cultural pilgrimage complex in 19th century,female's importance and her state of being neglected in the domain of literature,Henry's trans-Euro-American living career and sexual perversion psychological experience,etc.Several factors affected Henry James's literary creation deeply,and that's the reason why he prefer red international topics and female images as souls in his works.
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