The Explanatory Power of Script Theory to Utterance Interpretation
中文关键词:  脚本,语境顺应,话语理解,认知
English Keywords:script,contextual adaptation,cognitive inference,cognition
Fund Project:
WANG Bei  GE Ling-ling
摘要点击次数: 836
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      It is generally regarded that the interpretation of an utterance is crucially a process of cognitive inference.From the perspectives of the Script Theory and the Adaptation Theory,this paper aims at to probe into the mental mechanisms involved in the process of utterance interpretation.The paper holds that the successful reading of an utterance is decided not merely by script,but also by contextual adaptation.It is also maintained that ST and AT supplement each other in relation to the happy understanding of an utterance.They have more explanatory power when they combined.The paper,therefore,proposes a cognitive working model.
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