Analysis of the two English Versions of Qin Yuan Chun Changsha from the Perspective of Relevance Theory
中文关键词:  《沁园春·长沙》,关联翻译理论,最佳关联对等
English Keywords:Qin Yuan Chun Changsha,relevance translation theory,equivalence of optimal relevance
Fund Project:
YE Cong-ling  JIA De-jiang
摘要点击次数: 800
全文下载次数: 5
English Summary:
      After having made a contrastive study of Qin Yuan Chun Changsha from the perspective of Relevance Theory,this paper points out that the concepts of cognitive environment,communicative purpose and optimal relevance in Relevance Theory are relatively feasible in translation criticism,offering a new perspective for poetry translation criticism..
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