On the Definition of Labor Relations of Labor Dispatch
中文关键词:  劳务派遣,劳动关系,派遣单位,用工单位,派遣工
English Keywords:labor dispatch,labor relations,dispatch agency,employing unit,dispatching worker
Fund Project:
LIU Yan-bai
摘要点击次数: 932
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      With view to the complexity and peculiarity of labor relations of labor dispatch,it is of great significance in theory and practice to scientificly and accurately define labor relations of labor dispatch.In labor dispatch,there is a labor relation between dispatching workers and dispatch agencies,and also there is a labor relation between dispatching workers and employing units.In essence,the two labor relations are the same.Dispatching workers and two employing units form a labor relation together,while dispatch agencies and employing units join in the labor relations as a joint employer.
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