The "Jiaoshi" of the Period of Three Kingdoms and the Adrninistration of Justice
中文关键词:  校事,司法,监察,吕壹
English Keywords:
Fund Project:
LI Jun-qiang
摘要点击次数: 710
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Both Cao Wei and Sun Wu had the position of "Jiao shi" in the period of Three Kingdoms.The main office of "Jiao shi" in Wei was prosecution,its main office was "inspecting documents of all departments and local authorities" in the Sun Wu,in addition,including prosecution.No doubt these competences conflicted with the power of judicial organs and prosecutorial organs.But the monarchs of two kingdoms didn't repeal it in view of its benefit for a long time.This exacerbated death and the functioning contradiction of the regime,and caused their powers to fall into hands of other.Although the system of "Jiao shi" was repealed finally in two kingdoms,its effect on spy agencies of future generations can not be underestimated.
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