The Analysis of the Correctivibility of Human Errors in the Enterprise Safety Production system
中文关键词:  企业安全生产系统,人因失误,可修正性,修正指标,策略
English Keywords:Enterprise Safety Production System,Human Errors,Correctibility,Corrective Effects Assessment Index,Strategy
Fund Project:
WU Shu-ping  SONG Shou-xin
摘要点击次数: 645
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The enterprise safety production system is composed of the the Material and Technology Sub-system,the Humanities and Society Sub-system,the Individual Member Sub-system.In this system,the human errors are the key factors for imbalance.On the whole,there are three kinds of impacting factors which can cause human errors:material factors,social factors and individual factors.In fact,all the human errors are corrective and can be amended by certain strategies and measures.
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