The comparison of Japan and South Korean''''s Agricultural Product Protection Policy
中文关键词:  日韩,农业保护政策,“合规性”贸易壁垒,比较
English Keywords:Janpan and South Korea,Agriculture protection policy,"Rational" trade barrier,Compare
Fund Project:
TAN Ru-bing  YIN Feng
摘要点击次数: 726
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Japan and South Korea were weak in international competition of agriculture,but their attitudes to wards the problems of using all kinds of trade barrier to protect their own agriculture and production market were exceptionally strong.However,due to their distinction in some detailed respects,when Japan and South Korea use the so called "rational" barrier to protect their agriculture and home market,the two countries showed great differences as well.This article aims to find the experience or solution which we can learn through the way of comparing and analyzing the policies which Japan and South Korea took in the agriculture trade practice.
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