The Peaceful Living Attitude of Lao Tzu and the Theory on Modern Psychological Adjustment
中文关键词:  容和,养生,心理调适
English Keywords:Peaceful Living Attitude,Psychological Adjustment,
Fund Project:
QU Zhi-qin  LI Yue-shu  SU Hai-qiong
摘要点击次数: 671
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Facing ancient people's great psychological stress,Lao Tzu comes up with the peaceful living attitude which has a deep impact on the whole Chinese society and all Chinese people's lives.This attitude calls for people to go after harmony and balance,as the saying of Lao Tzu goes,"To bring it down when it gets up and to lift it up while it comes down",which means one should stay calm with a high social status,and keep cheering up when he/she goes down.At present,with the rapid growth of our economy,the whole society is in the process of the so-called "mode-transition period",which put great psychological stress on people.Lao Tzu's peaceful living attitude has a great inspiriting impact on our thinking of how to build a harmonious relationship between human and nature,and among different persons.
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