On "ecological civilization" and "four civilizations"
中文关键词:  生态文明,物质文明,政治文明,精神文明,四大文明
English Keywords:ecological civilization,material civilization,political civilization,cultural civilization,four civilizations
Fund Project:
ZHANG Duo-lai  HUANG Qiu-sheng  YANG Jing
摘要点击次数: 958
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      The conception "ecological civilization" made its debut on the report of the 17th CPC National Congress.As human society is an organic unity composed of economic,political,cultural and ecological patterns,human civilization is an integrity of material,political,cultural and ideological and ecological civilizations accordingly.To build and promote the four civilizations in coordination and harmony will push forward an overall development in economy,politics,culture and ecology,and promote social advancement and harmony.All in all,the development of human society should be,and must be,prosperous,noble,democratic and harmonious.
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