Discussion of the Development Strategy and Guideline of China''''s Nuclear Power
中文关键词:  中国核电,发展战略,战略方针,战略阶段
English Keywords:China's nuclear power,development strategy,strategic guideline,strategic stage
Fund Project:
REN De-xi  XIAO Dong-sheng  LIU Meng-ya  HU Po  LI Jun
摘要点击次数: 889
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      The paper,firstly,expounds the necessity on the development of nuclear power in China,including such aspects as the use of nuclear resources,the shortage of the power and the energy resources,the power and the energy resources,the regional layout of the industrial structure of energy and power,envivonmentally sustainable development and country's security in nuclear.Then,it discusses our country's overall strategy for the development of nuclear power which involves strategic guidelines,strategic principles and strategic objectives.This paper also elaborates the strategic objectives in terms of constructing million kilowatts level pressurized water reactor and a nuclear industrial system with nuclear power as a leading role.According to the combination of the types of nuclear power with its life cycle,the paper,finally,divides the stages of nuclear power development and puts forward some counter-measures.
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