Discussing the Meaning of Qu-yuan''''s Suicide from the Shi-ten of the West-Han Dynasty
中文关键词:  屈原,贾谊,司马迁,扬雄
English Keywords:Qu-yuan,Jia-yi,Sima-qian,Yang-xiong,
Fund Project:
ZENG Xiang-xu
摘要点击次数: 702
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Qu-yuan's suicide had a great and deep psychology effect on the Shi-ren of the west-Han Dynasty.In the vertical,this article describes Qu-yuan's suicide to the Shi-ren culture psychology and the change's course;In the horizontal,this article describes the thought of culture rescoures at the particular period.To centralize the theme,we consider Jia-yi Sima-qian and Yang-xiong as the reference because they represented the three periods of West-Han Dynasty,and express the culture idea of the meaning of Qu-yuan's suicide from the aspects of Shi-ren of the West-Han Dynasty.
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