"SI-HUO+VP"Form and Related Questions
中文关键词:  结果义,行为义,凸显,反驳,取舍句
English Keywords:result meaning,behavior meaning,emphasizing,retorting,choice sentence
Fund Project:
WANG Tian-you
摘要点击次数: 731
全文下载次数: 2
      现代汉语中的"死活 VP"格式在语义表达方面,表达背离性的"结果义"和一致性的"行为义";在语用功能方面,该格式普遍具有凸显"VP"的功能,同时表"行为义"的"死活 VP"格式还具有特殊的"反驳"功能;在句式联系方面,表"结果义"的"死活 VP"格式不能形成取舍句,而表"行为义"的"死活 VP"格式一般能形成取舍句。
English Summary:
      In modern Chinese,in the aspect of semantic expression,"SI-HUO VP" expresses "result meaning" about departing from and "behavior meaning " about uniform;in the aspect of the function in using,there is the function of emphasizing "VP" in this form,and "SI-HUO VP " of behavior meaning also has the special function of retorting;in the aspect of sentence type,the "SI-HUO VP " of result meaning cannot form the choice sentences,but the "SI-HUO VP " of behavior meaning can form the choice sentences.
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