Criminal Policy on Minor Offenders on the Basis of Education
中文关键词:  未成年人犯罪,以教育为主,刑事政策
English Keywords:minor offenders,education-based,criminal policy,
Fund Project:
MA Liu-ying  XIAO Song-ping
摘要点击次数: 709
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      In judicial practice,overpunishment on minor offenders are due to such factors as lack of independent laws on minor offenders,deviated understanding of the policy on minor offenders and the necessity for improvement of judicial techniques.Under current circumstances,the criminal policy of adopting education as the main measure with punishment as the auxiliary one is of more practical value.No fine but civil compensation is imposed on minor offenders shows that the criminal policy based on education has the functions of preventing and punishing crimes.
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