The Exploration on the Incentive Mechanism of Venture Entrepreneur Based on The Information Asymmetry Situation
中文关键词:  风险投资,信息不对称,道德风险
English Keywords:venture capital,information asymmetry,moral hazard
Fund Project:
DAI Hang  LIU Meng-ya  ZENG Chang-hong
摘要点击次数: 812
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The whole course of venture capital involves the interests relation of the organization of investment,venture capitalists and venture entrepreneurs ,which are three main market bodies,of which,venture entrepreneurs are the key personage who ensures the investment is value-added.The information asymmetry based on the relation about principal-agent and the moral hazard resulting from this have been the focuses to which the venture capital profession has paid close attention all the time.This paper explains the influence of venture entrepreneur's moral hazard with the reasoning method of the mathematics tools,and aims to construct a relevant model of encouragement and allocation of venture and provide a reference for the venture profession.
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