Economic Explanation on the Exposure of Non-financial Enterprises to Foreign Exchange Rate Risk
中文关键词:  外汇风险,非金融企业,贬值
English Keywords:foreign exchange rate risk,non-financial enterprises,depreciate
Fund Project:
DENG Shi-jie
摘要点击次数: 792
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      In this paper,author has analyzed general principle and course that foreign exchange rate risk produces in non-financial enterprises by the analysis tool of microeconomics.Through this analysis,we find that the foreign exchange rate risks of enterprises include short-term and long-term exposures,and that there are bigger differences in reasons of generation and managing methods about those exposures.So,enterprises should use the corresponding risk management method to tackle different risks on the basis of investigating in an all-round way in order to control the risks effectively.
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