Analysis on the Deviation of the Civil Political Consciousness From the State Ideology
中文关键词:  公民政治意识,国家意识形态,背离
English Keywords:civil Political consciousness,state ideology,deviation,
Fund Project:
LI Chao-xiang
摘要点击次数: 704
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      The civil political consciousness and the state ideology all belong to the category of political consciousness,but on the other hand they belong to different one.The state ideology is a country's dominant political ideology,which lies on a country's layer;while the civil political consciousness is a country's second political ideology,which is located in the society's layer.There are some differences and distinctness such as benifit,configuration,character and action between the state ideology and the civil political consciousness;therefore,in some sense the difference and distinctness could be considered as a deviation or deviation liability.
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