Integration Theory: Vogsky''''s Ideas on Language Acquisition
中文关键词:  维果茨基,语言,二语习得
English Keywords:Vogsky,language,L2 acquisition
Fund Project:
LUO Rong  CHEN Jing-jun
摘要点击次数: 678
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      The theories about language acquisition in history mainly include empiricism rationalism and constructionism,but all these theories can't explain the whole process of L2 acquisition.Vogsky put forward the integration theory and he thought that the symbol for people to master a language is to use it to think,that is to say,speech and thought should be closely connected with each other.The root for the integration of speech and thought lies in external communication activities and its process is from external speech to egocentric speech and then to internal speech.This theory provides us a new theoretical explanation for L2 acquisition.
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