On Protecting College Students'''' Rights and Interests And Ruling School in Line with the Law
中文关键词:  依法治校,以人为本,法律完善,权益
English Keywords:ruling school in line with the law,man oriented,law perfection,rights and interests
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摘要点击次数: 974
全文下载次数: 4
English Summary:
      Nowadays the cases that colleges students sue their alma mater to the law is emerging endlessly,and these suits mostly are caused by the legal deficiency while the school is penalizing those students who violating laws,regulations and disciplines,which is against the related legal rights of college students.In order to solve these conflicts and problems,this paper is going to discuss them from two sides,one is to straighten out the respective rights and obligations between school and students;the other is to rule the school strictly according to the law.It also holds some dissents about the college management methods and the validity of its regulations,and further studies about rebuilding its laws and regulations while putting forward that the rule of law and legal right of safeguarding awareness should be put into to the college management to protect the college students legal rights so that the teachers and students will build a harmonized campus together.
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