On Representative Competence of Private Plaintiff in Citizen Suit
中文关键词:  公民诉讼,公共利益代表人,诉讼资格
English Keywords:citizen suit,representative of public interests,litigation qualifications
Fund Project:
ZHU Qian
摘要点击次数: 933
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      As the most classical legal precedent in litigation qualifications of American environmental public welfare lawsuits,"Sierra Club v.Morton" initiated the discussion of litigation qualifications in citizen suit.In view of injure in fact,aesthetics and environment,citizens or organizations act the role of private procurator or private minister of justice,present public prosecution to environmental lawbreakers,become the special law-enforced body on law of environment and resource.It contributes to expanding the scope of judicial redress,meanwhile,we have to confront the conflict and selection of multiple social public interests,limited representative competence of private plaintiff,too high costs of litigation and many problems.Therefore,new-fashioned citizen suit, which is established according to the mode of public welfare litigation,is difficult to become the basic judicial form of environmental law.
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