A Brief Analysis of the Verification and Calculation of the Goodwill of Merger Based on the Balance Sheet Liability Method
中文关键词:  资产负债表债务法,合并商誉,所得税
English Keywords:Balance Sheet liability method,Goodwill of merger,Income tax
Fund Project:
ZOU Yu-tao
摘要点击次数: 895
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      The Corporation Accounting Rules-Income Tax clearly regulates that corporations should count their income taxes based on the Balance Sheet liability method,and it also standardizes the verification and calculation of the goodwill of merger.However,it does not clarify the influence on the taxes due to the goodwill,as well as how to identify and compute the goodwill using the Balance Sheet liability method.This article,which includes cases,intents to analyze and illustrate the accounting treatment of the generation,amortization of the goodwill of merger,along with indicating how to identify and calculate the impact of the goodwill with taking income taxes into account under the Balance Sheet liability method.
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