A Study on System Value in Building a Service-oriented Local Government
中文关键词:  地方政府,服务型政府,制度价值
English Keywords:local government,service-oriented government,system value
Fund Project:
LIU Zhong-qiu
摘要点击次数: 734
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      The service-oriented government in China today has become the leading government reform goals.Compared with the central government,the execution and ministrant of local authority function are more remarkable,which has the service cost and the system innovation superiority.This paper explores the path of building a service-oriented local government,reshaping public service idea and innovating public service competition mechanism.From the cost of service and system innovation,it also analyzed the value of the local government system,and pointed out that the local government should actively explore the characteristics model of service-oriented government.
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