Investigation about Peasant''''s Living Experience in the West of China
中文关键词:  农民,生活体验,调查
English Keywords:peasants,living experience,investigations
Fund Project:
WANG Ya-qing
摘要点击次数: 633
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The living experience is an important component of the humane quality.This article is based on Chinese citizen's humane quality and investigated living experience of 809 Peasants(farmer,rural worker)who live in the six provinces and cities(Guangxi,Sichuan,Gui zhou,Yunnan,Chongqing,Tibet) in the west of China.The results indicates:In the whole,the peasants have the same sense of common;In different peasant's colonies,the rural workers have stronger sense of boring than farmers;In different sex of the peasants,woman peasant's life is more common than man peasants;Among all man peasants,man rural workers have more pressure,the sense of boring is stronger;Among all woman peasants,the woman rural workers have stronger sense of boring,but the life pressure of the woman farmers is larger than woman rural workers.Meanwhile,this article analyzes the reasons and proposes some countermeasures to the problem existed among them.
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