On the Thought of Strengthening Credibility Education of College Students in National Student Loan
中文关键词:  国家助学贷款,诚信教育
English Keywords:national student loan,credibility education
Fund Project:
FU Jun
摘要点击次数: 753
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      To achieve the sustainable and steady development of the national student loan,many difficulties and problems have to be coped with,while the key is to strengthen the credibility education of the students who applied for this kind of loan.Based on the current situation of the national student loan,this paper tries to analyze the phenomenon and causes of students'failure to perform credibility,and puts forward measures to strengthen credibility education of college students,as well as the proposal to keep record of the students'credibility.What's more, the constraining power of its mechanism should be renforced so as to promote a sound development of national student loan.
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