Comment on the Human Rights Value of the System"Hiding the Criminal Behawiour for One''''s Relative"
中文关键词:  亲亲相隐,制度合理性,人权价值
English Keywords:hiding the criminal behawiour for one's relative,System rationality,Human rights value
Fund Project:
ZHANG Hong  ZENG Yan-zhang
摘要点击次数: 688
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      This article Studies the rationality of the system"hiding the criminal behaviour for one's relative" in ancient China and thinks that present china should stipulate the norm of kinsfork giving evidence and reform chinese witress system now awailable,reinforce witness human rights guarantee and realizing procedure rule by law,in order to raise intimate and trust degree between persons and accelerate socialist oultural and ideological building.
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