Rural Revolution Center Moving West and Social Changes in Shan-gan-ning Area
中文关键词:  农村革命中心,西移,陕甘宁边区,社会变迁
English Keywords:Rural revolution center,Moving west,Shan-gan-ning area,Social Change
Fund Project:
NING Man-rong
摘要点击次数: 638
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The main force of the Red Army carried on moving west after 1934,accordingly Chuan-qian and Shan-gan-ning area became the rural revolution center.Moving west is a kind of social mobility in sociology.In this paper,the author stresses the basic reasons why rural revolution center changes,and studies the interior relationship between this social mobility and the changes of Shan-gan-ning area.The author also discusses other aspects of this change,including its basic features and main motivations.
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