The Prevention and Control of Financial Risks in Enterprises
中文关键词:  财务风险,企业财务风险,防范,控制
English Keywords:Financial Risk,Enterprise Financial Risk,Prevention,Control
Fund Project:
QUAN Xiao-hong  KANG Wei-ping
摘要点击次数: 882
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Financial risk is a severe danger that each enterprise has to face with,which plays a vital role in the development of an enterprise.Therefore,it is very necessary to study financial risk.The paper focuses on financial risk and explores the prevention and control of enterprise financial risk.This paper firstly introduces the concepts and features of the enterprise's financial risks,and then explains the reasons the enterprise financial risk lies in.In the end,this paper puts forward several relevant methods to the enterprise's financial risk prevention and control.
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