Identification of Key Factors of Human Error for Coal Mining Safety
中文关键词:  煤矿安全,人因失误,结构方程模型,识别
English Keywords:coal mine safety,human error,Structural Equation Model,identification
Fund Project:
HU Li-jun  CHEN Jian-hua
摘要点击次数: 944
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      The investigation of coal mine safety indicates human error is the main cause which leads to accidents of coal mine safety,therefore study on human error mechanism and improvement of control of human error is an efficient method to reduce accidents of mine safety.The paper builds structural framework of human error factors for coal mine on basis of demonstration study and establishes a Structural Equation Model by using AMOS4.0 and tests it.The result of analysis indicates organization and management factors,worker's adventure mental factors and lucky psychological factors etc.are the key human errors that cause accidents of coal mine safety.
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