The Path Choice to Social Security System of Peasant-workers——Based on the Country Land Security
中文关键词:  农民工社会保障,农民工社会保障体制,土地保障,土地制度改革
English Keywords:social security of peasant-workers,social security system of peasant-workers,country land security,land system reformation
Fund Project:
DU Jing-jing
摘要点击次数: 759
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Some factors which exist objectively have decided that establishing the social security system of peasant-workers will be a long and progressive process.In the course of the modernization in our country,despite the country land security have some disadvantages,the faultiness of social security system makes the country land security rational and necessary.Based on the land security,starting with figuring out the conflict between land security and land's scale operation,reforming the land system,bringing active effects into play and avoiding its negative effects,are the rational path of establishing the social security system of peasant-workers.
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