On the Integration of Rural Migrant Workers into the Urban Society and Building of Harmonious Seciety
中文关键词:  构建,和谐社会,促进,进城农民工,融入,城市
English Keywords:build,harmonious society,facilitate,rural migrant workers,integration,the urban society
Fund Project:
DENG Gui-lan
摘要点击次数: 1018
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      At present,the issue regarding the integration of rural migrant workers into urban society has drawn increasing attention of the concerned governmental sectors.Nevertheless,the general situation is still unsatisfactory.Under the circumstance of rapidly growing industrialization and urbanization,how to effectively integrate the migrant workers into the cities would place an extensive and significant impaction in building socialist harmonious society.Accordingly,we should insist on a human-oriented way and address the problems of the rights and interests of migrant workers which are most immediate and most concerned by them.Simultaneously,we should adopt the measures including reinforcing the system building,which can be a foundational guarantee for rural migrant workers to integrate into cities,and strengthening the education on the workers in order to bring their initiative into full play.Only in this way,can the progress of integrating rural migrant workers into urban society be availably promoted,whereafter the harmonious society be finally achieved.
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