Cognitive Research on Metaphor in Television Advertising Discourse
中文关键词:  概念合成理论,电视广告语篇中的隐喻,语义冲突,临时结构,认知理据
English Keywords:Conceptual Blending Theory,metaphor in advertising,deviation of meanings,emergent structure,cognitive motivation
Fund Project:
ZHAO Zhi-fang  LIU Yu-hong
摘要点击次数: 1003
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Conceptual blend is a universal cognitive approach in the meaning construction of natural language according to Conceptual Blending Theory.Metaphor is one of the most important methods and tools for human being to understand the world.The approach of conceptual blend also exists in the understanding of metaphor.After analyzing the essential motivating factors and the classification of metaphors in advertising,we attempt to apply Fauconnier's Conceptual Blending Theory to the analysis of metaphor in advertising discourse and conclude that metaphor in advertising is the emergent structure and the metaphorical meaning,which is connected with human being's cognition,depends on cognitive motivation of conceptual blend.
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