On the Satirical Art of Li Shengping''''s Essays
中文关键词:  李升平,杂文,讽刺艺术
English Keywords:Li Shengping,satirical essay,satirical art
Fund Project:
WEN Long  LUO Yu-cheng
摘要点击次数: 756
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Li Shengping's essay is a special spectacle in contemporary satirical essay circle of China.As a journalist of the Party's discipline,Li Shengping dares to face the realities and expose the false,the evil conducts and the ugliness of the society with a distinct rational criticizing spirits.His essays are infused with his deep sensation of misery and profound complex of common people. The satirical art of Li Shengping's essays can create vivid and expressive images and reach high ideological level through describing real and typical objects.
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