Study of the Cultural Industry of Hengyang
中文关键词:  衡阳文化产业  发展  思考  衡阳  文化产业发展  Industry  Cultural  支柱产业  经济发展  文化特色  学术中心  曾三  城市  书院  王船山  思想家  哲学家  发祥地  湖湘文化  历史文化  趋势
English Keywords:cultural features of Hengyang,cultural industry,development
Fund Project:
LUO Yu-cheng  JIANG Jiang  TAN Yao
摘要点击次数: 833
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Hengyang has a long history of culture.It is the cradle of Huxiang Culture and is the hometown of the great philosopher and thinker Wang Chuanshan.It was the city with the most academies in ancient China and had ever been the national cultural and academic center for three times.This article analyzed the cultural features of Hengyang mentioned above and the developing trend of cultural industry and put forward some suggestions how we can make the cultural industry into the mainstay industry to improve the economy of Hengyang.
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