The Voice of "Others" Coming from Other''''s Country——Analysis of "others" in the Memoir Chinese of Tsvetaeva
中文关键词:  “他者”形象,套话,形象学
English Keywords:image of the others,stereotype,imageologie
Fund Project:
XIA Yi-qun  JIANG Tian-ping
摘要点击次数: 781
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      By the way of such three aspects as the "representation" and "imagination" of the image,the dialogue among the figures,"self-internalized" image,the author portrays the images of Chinese different from the apotheosized and ideologized image of "the others ",and recreates the voice of "others" coming from other countries and the eternal charm of the image.From these analysis,we can deeply understand the theory of the imageologie.
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